5 Healthy Takes On Your Favorite Foods To Get You Through Your Period

5 Healthy Takes On Your Favorite Foods To Get You Through Your Period

It feels like Corona turned everyone and their aunt into professional chefs? As a lover of all food, I stan it. But If you’re like me and your stretchy pants have become your regular pants, you’ll love these healthier takes on your favorite treats! 

1. Reeses Nice-Cream


This tastes so good as a sweet treat or you can add ½ a scoop of vanilla protein powder, with your favorite toppings for a smoothie bowl breakfast.

Recipe 1: https://fitfoodiefinds.com/peanut-butter-chocolate-chip-banana-soft-serve/

Recipe 2: https://tasty.co/recipe/chocolate-peanut-butter-banana-ice-cream


2.Healthy Banana Bread


A healthier take on the classic banana bread! I also add dark chocolate chips because I am a chocolate addict.



3. Frozen Grapes

 No recipe needed, just put your favorite grapes in a ziplock bag in the freezer and you have a delicious treat that tastes like candy!


 4. Savory Roasted Chickpeas

I love chickpeas, they’re high in protein and taste sooo good roasted. If you don't like spicy foods, garlic salt works great!



5. Whatever you want to eat

Your body is bleeding, you're going to be just fine if you eat Cheetos or chocolate or just five random pieces of plain bread in a row (ask me how I know.) Listen to your body and let yourself relax on yourself. We like fries. Here are some garlic fries.

Have fun snacking and binge-watching friends!

Written by Kalei K

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