Periods have a tendency to come at THE worst times. The key is to be prepared for this scenario. With the new school year about to start, we figured it was a great time to include what we like to have in our bag, just in case.
First, it’s great to have all your supplies in a little travel pouch or an easily accessible pocket in your bag. This way, you know where it is and it’s easy to find. We like this super cute pouch from Aloha (they’re also women owned and donate to organizations helping the environment!)
Next, of course, you need your pads and/or tampons. I’ve found that even though I use a menstrual cup, it’s still nice to have a few tampons with me just in case. We love the pads and tampons from TOP! They’re 100% organic and eco friendly!
Another great thing to have is an extra pair of underwear. You never know if you might not catch it quite in time so it’s always nice to have something to change into just in case! I prefer bringing black or other dark colored underwear for my period.
You also have to be prepared for the cramps. Nothing is worse than when you’re dying of cramp pain with no relief but you still have to go to your next class, or even worse you have to give a presentation. We of course like to have our Girls Co. band with a pack or two of Hot Stuff on hand at all times. Of course, whatever you prefer to manage your cramps whether that’s ibuprofen or some other form of relief, should be added to your kit!
Finally, bring a little snack! Periods can cause cravings, plus, if you’re already not feeling your best, you don’t want to feel even worse by being hungry. You can treat yourself with a little dark chocolate (we like Justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups). You can also try some banana chips or popcorn!
Periods suck but being prepared can make it a little more bearable! Let us know what you like to make sure you have with you on your period in the comments below!
Photo by Cliff Booth