Founder Highlight: Meet Taimi

Founder Highlight: Meet Taimi

Taimi is one of the three founders at The Girls Company! Here's a little about her.

Missed the other two interviews? Read about them here:

Meet Zoia
Meet Abby

Q: Tell us a little about your background, where did you grow up?

A: I grew up in Auckland New Zealand where my dad was from. When I was ten we moved back to the states where my mom's family lived! It was a change for sure. 

Q: What is your favorite part about where you live?

A: The best part is that I get to be where all my family and friends are!!! Also there are no Reeses PB Cups in New Zealand so that's a bonus.

Q: What are some of your favorite things to do?

A: I love to do lots of things!! My favorite hobby is finding new hobbies haha. I love to bake and used to bake wedding cakes when I had more time. I love clothes and shoes and have too many pairs of sneakers. I'm starting gardening so let's see how that goes because I have currently killed 50% of my houseplants.

Q: Time to brag, what would you say is something you’re really good at? 

A: Oh man. I've always been a people person (for better or worse.) I would say I'm good at understanding what people want and why and I'm pretty darn good at taking care of people. I remember names and have long conversations with everyone, which has led me to meet so many interesting people and have so many amazing friends!

Q: What made you want to be an entrepreneur?

A: I think I kind of fell into it. I think at our core people want to create. I love that as an entrepreneur you get to create a huge vision and work on it every single day (with your friends!)

Q: What has been your favorite part about working on The Girls?

A: I'm grateful for the relationship that I have with Zoia and Abby. They've truly made me a better person. Seriously. Second, I am so grateful that I'm able to help solve a problem that millions struggle with. I love reading people's reviews and seeing how much a simple product we made helps them so much.

Q: What makes you the most excited for the future?

A: I kind of think the uncertainty is fun. People generally think of uncertainty as a bad thing, but they forget the positive part of uncertainty. The best day of your life could be in the future! Growth! Money! You could find a cool new friend! A cool new restaurant! A problem you have could be solved!

Q: What has been the most memorable moment of your last year?

A:  It was so exciting to finally pick up our shipment. Made everything real.

Q: The pandemic, and 2020 (and now 2021!)  in general, has been hard for everyone. What has been the hardest part about it for you? What have you learned from this?

A: I think there have been many hard aspects. As a people person I miss seeing more of my friends all the time. I've been grateful for the small group of people I've become closer with though! I've cherished and become very grateful for those relationships.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: You don't get what you don't ask for. You don't get what you don't communicate that you want. We need to stop expecting people to give us things they don't even know we want by just implying you do. You can get so much if you just ask! 

Q: Anything else you’d like to say?

A: Don't care so much! Wear the swimsuit, ask them out, apply for the promotion. Women often are so focused about what others think about them that they don't get to have fun. It's your life, it's your choice, choose to have fun. 

Thanks Taimi! We are so grateful to have Taimi at The Girls Company! 

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